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North State Soccer


What are tryouts and why do you hold them?
The aim of tryouts is to assess players’ maturity, soccer IQ and level of ability. Players who are deemed to have the required skills to play at a competitive level will be invited to join the program.

Do I need to register for the tryouts and if so how do I register for tryouts?
All players must register for tryouts.

Is there a fee for attending the tryouts?
No. We do not charge a fee to tryout for our teams; however, the player must be registered.

Where/when are the try-outs being held?
Tryouts, in general May/June, however players may contact their age group coaches for evaluation year-round. The schedule and location of tryouts are on the home page of the North State Soccer website. Please arrive early to the tryout to ensure time to get checked in.

What if my daughter/son can't make it to all or some of the try-outs?
Players are encouraged to attend as many tryout sessions as possible to ensure they receive the best evaluation. If you are unable to attend any of the sessions please reach out to the team coach to find an alternative time & date.

My daughter/son is recovering from an injury and can't try-out. What should we do?
Please reach out to the team coach to find an alternative time & date if necessary (injured returning players do not need to tryout if the coach waives it).

What should my child wear on the day of tryouts?
Soccer attire, shin guards, cleats and a ball are a must.

What age group should my child tryout for?
Our teams are based on calendar year ages (ie all the players born in 2007 are on the same team) and are "age pure".  Players can request play up an age group, but no one can play down. If you feel your player would be better suited for an older age group, please consult our Operating Documents for the procedure to request an evaluation. No player will be allowed to play up unless the player is first evaluated at his or her own age group and has made the team at his/her proper age group.

How many teams do you have at each age group?
North State Soccer strives to have multiple teams in each age group. These teams compete at different playing levels depending on the age group and level of competition.

Will my daughter/son receive any feedback from the try-out?
Either the Head Coach of the team or the Director of Coaching will inform players via phone or email as to their status. Additional feedback can be requested if necessary.

If my daughter/son makes the team what are the costs?
Costs vary by age group and team. The registration fee is currently $300 per player. Individual team fees vary, but typically range in the $300-$600 range per player (team fee covers items like practice field rental, tournaments, etc).

Are scholarships available?
Yes. Please contact the club president at: to discuss your situation.

How much travel is involved?
Most of our teams participate in the NorCal Premier League in the Fall. League schedule consists of 8-10 matches against, mainly, Sacramento based teams. Home/Away schedules vary but are typically heavy on travel to the Sacramento area. Our coaches try to schedule as many double headers as possible to reduce travel commitments. Additionally, teams will participate in 2-3 out of town tournaments during the season. These tournaments typically range from Southern Oregon to the Bay Area.

What are my options if I am not quite ready for Competitive soccer?
North State Soccer now offers an academy coached program twice a year to help better prepare players for tryouts . They will have spring and Fall Seasons. This is perfect for those players who need a little more coaching before they are ready for a competitive team.




Competitive teams participate in several tournaments each season. Fees for these tournaments are paid by the fees collected by the team. Often these tournaments are far from home and travel expenses (hotels, meals, etc.) should be anticipated.




Players are expected to come to practices and games and participate in all drills and activities as instructed by the coach. Players are to be respectful of coaches, officials, opponents and teammates. A player’s direct defiance of an official or coach, use of abusive language, or intentional striking of an official, coach, or another player is not allowed. Striking an official or coach will lead to an automatic suspension from the team, probable loss of membership and possible criminal charges.
Excessive talking and other disruptive behavior during instruction is not acceptable. A coach has the right to remove a player from a practice session or game if behavior problems become serious. The coach should then contact the parents and try to work out a solution. If a player’s behavior problems continue to where the team functioning is seriously disrupted, the coach should discuss the problem with the Division 3 Coordinator and the Division 3 Coaching Coordinator and may request a hearing to have the player removed from the team. Remember the Players Code:

  • Play soccer for the fun of it.

  • Play by the Rules.

  • Never argue with or complain about the referees calls or decisions and never question their honesty.

  • Control your temper and, most of all, resist the temptation to retaliate when you feel you have been wronged.

  • Concentrate on playing soccer and on affecting the outcome of the game with your best effort. Work equally as hard for your team as for yourself.

  • Be a good sport by cheering for all good plays, whether it is your teams or your opponent’s.

  • Treat all players as you would like to be treated.

  • Remember that the goals of the game are to have fun, improve skills and feel good. Don’t be a showoff and a ball-hog.

  • Remember to conduct yourself in a manner befitting someone representing themselves, their family, and our clubs.




North State Soccer's official uniform supplier is Admiral Sports. The kits available from Adidas have been custom designed for us, and unlike our previous supplier, these kits will never go out of style!
The custom kits that Adidas has created and can only be purchased directly from our store at Adidas. Each kit consist of (at minimum):

  • 2 Jerseys (Red & White)

  • 2 Shorts (Black & Red)

  • 2 Socks (Red & White)

Each kit comes with the player's number on the shirt and the shorts. All jerseys carry the Kaos/Missfits crest, the Kaos/Missfits name on the back and "North State Soccer" on the right sleeve.
In addition to the required items, bags, warmups, practice shirts and other items are available for the players and coaching staff to order from the store as optional equipment. New for us is also the addition of Kaos/Missfits Fan Gear in the store!


It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor their child’s soccer experience. Parents who feel their child is not being treated fairly or in a positive manner by a coach should first make an effort to discuss the problem with the coach as soon as possible. This should be done by telephone or perhaps after a practice but never before or during a game. If the problem is not resolved after discussion with the coach, then the parent may contact the Division 3 Coordinator for further assistance. The Coordinator will work with the Coaches to resolve the more serious problems. Remember to follow the Parents Code:

  • Do not force an unwilling child to participate in soccer.

  • Remember children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment, not yours.

  • Teach your child to play by the rules.

  • Teach your child that hard work and an honest effort are often more important than a victory.

  • Help your child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship in every game. Your child will then be a winner, even in defeat.

  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from youth sporting activities.

  • Set a good example. Children learn best by example. Do not yell at, ridicule or criticize your child or any other participant.

  • Applaud good plays by your team and by members of the opposing team.

  • Do not publicly question referees judgment or their honesty.

  • Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches, referees and officials and give them their due respect; without them, there would be no youth sports.

  • Be a positive role model whenever you are around any players.

  • Leave conflict resolution to the field marshals or officials.

  • Parents who are unable to abide by the code of conduct will be subject to review by the player committee and the BOD. Actions of said committees can include the suspension of parents from attendance at youth games, if such action is deemed necessary.




Providing a core of well trained, certified referees is a tremendous task. Referee coordinators work diligently all season long to provide coverage for the high volume of games that are played. Parents and coaches need to keep in mind how difficult it is to be a referee, especially if you are young. We continue to lose many referees every year because of the harassment they receive from coaches and parents. The role of referee must be recognized and respected by the coach, the team and the parents. Youth referees must be given the same respect as the adult referees. New referees must LEARN positioning, signals, timing of calls, flow of the game, command of the sidelines, and administrative issues. If you are patient and positive, that referee will become experienced and confident. That referee could be YOUR child! The referee in a soccer match has complete authority over players and coaches from the moment the referee enters the grounds to the time the referee leaves. Coaches, players, parents, and spectators shall never argue or dispute the decision of the referee or parent official, make negative or derogatory remarks or gestures towards a referee or parent official, or otherwise behave irresponsibly, or bring the game into disrepute. If the above should occur, the referee or parent official may do the following:

  1. Report the incident to the League for further action.

  2. Dismiss the coach from the game.

  3. Terminate the match and leave.

In addition to the action by the referee or parent official, the League may take further action including:

  1. Warning or probation.

  2. Suspension from one or more games.

  3. Suspension for one or more seasons.

Like all of us, referees will make mistakes. You are entitled to be disappointed when you think the referee is doing a poor job, but don’t express these feelings at the game. It is the coach’s responsibility to contact the Director of Referees if he or she feels a referee needs to improve on skills.



Many parents and coaches believe that commenting negatively, yelling at, or arguing with the decisions of the game officials, whether they are parents or licensed referees, is proper behavior and a normal part of youth sports. This is absolutely not true and is in violation of the CYSA/US Club Codes of Conduct. Add to this the increasing number of players who are also arguing with the officials and you can see why we are having a referee crisis. It is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit and retain referees because of this verbal abuse. Our Referees work very hard to make the game Safe, Fair and Fun for everyone and we need to realize that just like the players, the referees are a part of the game. A negative comment to a referee during a game reduces the pleasure and heightens the tension for officials, players, spectators, and other coaches. These comments accomplish nothing except for the diminishment of the Good of the Game. Parents, coaches, and players are entitled to a difference of opinion, but they are not permitted to display their dissent through word or action. Additionally, coaches are expected to be a role model and teacher of proper behavior to both the players and parents.


PO Box 991523

Redding, CA 96099


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